
Five rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Nancy is part of the yearly benchmark series. Log your score!

Exercise is ADHD Medication

It’s not uncommon for the coaches to hear athletes express how their workout keeps them “sane.” That hour of sweating, pushing their physical and mental limits, and engagement in structured class gives them focus and drive to deal with and pursue the rest of their day.

So it’s not surprising that new research supports the linkage between child exercise and academic performance, and as you’ll see in the article below, specifically for children with signs of ADHD. 

Exercise is ADHD Medication
Physical movement improves mental focus, memory, and cognitive flexibility; new research shows just how critical it is to academic performance.

Does exercise keep you sane, focused, or able to get work done? Post to comments.