Sign-up Your Mom or Clean Up After Yourself

Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 rep

We started with a clean slate on Thursday morning. This is what we picked up from the shop floor on Thursday night!!!

Sign-Up Your Mom or Clean Up Your S*!t

While the coaches love each and every one of you, we do not want to pick-up your bloody tape from the floor. We also know that there is a trashcan for dirty Kleenex and that there is no need to throw them behind the bumpers.

Roots Crew, it’s time. We’re on the verge of a shop breakthrough. A quality sound system, consistently clean mats, no more renovation dust, a changing area, and window cleaning – yup we’re really getting this place together. BUT lately we’ve noticed a downturn in people picking up after themselves. From water bottles and tape, to counters and clothing, to stray pieces of equipment there is a hefty amount of clean-up after a days worth of classes.

Please make certain to put away your water bottles, throw-out your tape, and take home your belongings after each workout!!

3 Responses
  1. Stephanie Baltz

    Hasn’t everyone been made aware of the hoax that is bottled water anyway!?!? Bring a reusable bottle, drink it, refill it, take it home! Duh.