Lift Heavy Shit Night Countdown: 3 Days

5 rounds for total reps:
– max rep bodyweight overhead squat
– max rep dead hang pull-ups

There is no rest between OHSs and pull-ups.  Rest as needed between rounds.

Charlie Gets a Muscle-Up from CrossFit Roots on Vimeo.

Lift Heavy Shit Night

Lift Heavy Shit Night returns to Roots this Friday at 6pm.  The lift: deadlift.  How many reps?  One.  How many sets?  As many as you need to take yourself to a heavy single for the day.  Eat, sleep, and prepare for a fun evening packed with live video streams of powerlifting videos, heavy metal, and heavy shit!

Who’s coming?  Post to comments.

13 Responses
  1. Tracy Emmanuel

    sweeeet! nice job charlie!

    yay- for deadlifts on LHS night! i’ll be there for sure – belly and all! 🙂