Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
“…and no sugar.”
CrossFit’s dietary prescription is to:
“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.”
– Greg Glassman, World-Class Fitness in 100 Words
Many of us have read those two sentences thousands of times. We pick up on the quality foods listed at the beginning of the statement and walk away with the sense that we shouldn’t overeat. We bend over backwards to adhere to the foods listed but simultaneously we avoid the one part of the statement that is definitive, “and no sugar.”
Carlotta recently sent us the video in this post. The video by Alex Bogusky exposes the health impacts of sugar and the statements made by soft drink companies . Thanks for sending Carlotta!
Many of us bend over backwards to avoid grains, dairy, and legumes but don’t think twice about a trip to the ice cream store, a bar of chocolate, a sweet flavored nut butter packet, or a sugary treat on a special occasion.
Are our efforts unbalanced? Post to comments.
this is so timely for me. I had a run in with Halloween candy yesterday and have been up since 4 am feeling like absolute crap. Thanks for reminding me of what I need to do.
Wow, wow, wow! What a great video! It’s about time THIS kind of campaigning is being done. Awesome song by Jason Mraz and awesome spoof animation. Perfect thing to show kids. Two thumbs WAY WAY up!
Once it hits your lips, it’s so good.
I had no idea about the amputation stat. Guess that’s one way to lose some lbs!
That’s how I plan on winning the food challenge.
LOL. Lisa… you are funny…
So glad coffee is sugar free! (PHEW!)
With over a week in the bag in this food challenge, I am realizing (again) what a powerful thing sugar is. I am definitely a fan of ice cream and chocolate but now i am realizing (again) why–it is a source of comfort during stressful times in my life. Nothing more and it is not that comforting…maybe for the first 5 minutes of eating it, but then I feel like crap and guilty and all of that. So, thank you ROOTS coaches for making “the food stuff” part of what you do to make us better/healthier athletes! I couldn’t do this without ya’ll.