Announcing the 2014 Spring into Summer (and Real Life) Fuel Challenge

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Introducing the 2014 Spring Fuel Challenge.
Introducing the 2014 Spring Fuel Challenge.

Announcing the 2014 Spring into Summer (and Real Life) Fuel Challenge

Dates: April 7th through June 7th

It’s here! The Roots Spring into Summer (and Real Life) Fuel Challenge! This is an 8 week challenge designed to get you (back) on the paleo wagon and then take it to the next level by showing you how Paleo works in your everyday life (beyond the structure of a food challenge).

The most common feedback we received after past food challenges is that people see amazing results in the 30 day challenges but when real life sets back in all bets are off. It doesn’t have to be that way.

This challenge will work in two phases.
Phase 1 – The first 4 weeks will be no frills or gimmicks, strict paleo (yup, NO booze, NO cheat meals). This is an opportunity to hit the reset button and find out how good you can, and should feel.
Phase 2 – In the remaining 4 weeks, we will start incorporating “win meals” and tweaks that will make it your own. You will still be working with a coach and logging food so you can see how the little changes can really add up and dial in what’s worth it and what works. Since you will be coming off a strict 30 days, it will be easy to see how various foods affect you. There will be rules and guidelines throughout this portion of the challenge to keep everyone on track.

A note on the Zone – There is no Zone component to the judging for this challenge. We will be looking at portions and if you choose to Zone, great, but the coaches will not be evaluating your Zone compliance.

Sound interesting? Come to one of the two Food Chalk Talks on Monday March 31st @ 6:30 am or April 2nd @ 6:30 pm for details and to find out if this challenge is for you.

Cost: $225. Includes body fat testing (before & after) via hydrostatic weighing and your own personal challenge coach for 8-weeks.

Important dates:
Monday, March 31st @ 6:30am OR Wednesday, April 2nd @ 6:30 pm – Food Chalk Talk and Challenge Details
April 7th – Challenge Begins!
April 7th & 8th – Dunk Tank & Initial Weigh-ins
May 5th – End of Phase 1, Strict Paleo @ midnight
May 6th – Start of Phase 2
June 5th & 6th – Dunk Tank & Final Weigh-ins
June 6th – Challenge Ends!

Questions?  Post to comments.