30 Muscle-ups for time
Beyond the Whiteboard and Sharing User-Created Workouts
At CrossFit Roots we follow the mainsite on a 3-week delay and the main site workouts are loaded into the BTWB system by the folks at Beyond the Whiteboard. A search for the workout using a few key words will quickly pull up a list of workouts. For example, a search for “chest to bar box jump” pulled up the workout from yesterday on the first try. But what about when it’s a workout that the Roots coaches have made up to fill in for the main site rest days?
Many athletes take the time to create the workout in Beyond the Whiteboard so they can log the WODs we create; HOWEVER, other Roots athletes are not able to post their times to these workout unless you make sure your settings enable this option. Read below to learn how to change your settings. This way, everyone from CrossFit Roots can ‘Post Results’ to a WOD that someone from our shop entered.
Follow these steps so we can share the workouts we create with the other athletes at Roots.
1. Log-in to BTWB
2. Go to ‘Settings’, then ‘Privacy’
3. Under Custom Workouts change the ‘Show my custom workouts to:’ setting FROM ‘Only Me’ to ‘My Gym Only’