In teams of two:
2 rounds of:
P1: 100m sandbag run
P2: max handstand push-ups
P1: max handstand push-ups
P2: 100m sandbag run
P1: 100m sandbag run
P2: max box jumps (30/24)
P2: 100m sandbag run
P1: max box jumps (30/24)
Partner performs as many reps of handstand push-ups or box jumps while their partner runs with sandbag. Score is total reps of handstand push-ups and box jumps accumulated.

Blog Love
A few blogs have recently caught our attention in the CrossFit and Paleo/Zone nutrition world. Check these out!
Paleo Girl in the City
A few of you have the opportunity to be coached by the one and only Maddie Berky a few months ago. She keeps a stellar blog with lots of great recipes to keep cooking interesting on those Sunday night oh-shit-I-need-to-make-food-for-the-week moments!
Marks Daily Apple
A classic and wonderful resource for insight into the Primal style of eating. Want to know how cortisol affects your nutrition or how cholesterol plays a role in health? Use his search function and discover lots of great information!