Sign-up for the Saturday CrossFit Open Workout 11.3 at Roots HERE! AND don’t forget about the Spring Fuel Challenge info sessions today at 7:00am and Sunday at 2:00pm. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 165 pound Squat clean 165 pound Jerk Saturday Saturday Saturday! Please come join us for a workout and barbecue event this Saturday, April 9th from 9am – 1:00pm. What’s going on?We’re hosting the CrossFit Open Workout 3 AND holding the Roots Community Day! What is Community Day, you ask? Community Day is about celebrating CrossFit and the great community of athletes we get to workout with on a daily basis. Bring the family, bring a lawn chair, come watch some of the heats, participate in the workout, and stick around for some mingling and food! We’ll start-up the grill at 11:00am and host a barbecue and social event. We’ll start-up the...
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