Shane Update: Shane was transferred to Denver General as the hospital has an excellent orthopedic trauma and plastic surgery unit. He underwent surgery to place muscle over the exposed bone on his leg and it went well. He will need to have more surgeries down the road as they learned that all of the ligaments in his knee are torn. As he was coming out of anesthesia he said “3-2-1-Go!” and then questioned why Ari had not started to workout. Then he fell back asleep. He has CrossFit on his mind. Your support means so much.
Run or Row 5k
See 5K route here.

Classes and Cool Cruel Summer August
We have decided to cancel August 20th’s Cool Cruel Summer. We will absolutely finish the series in September as planned. Thank you for your understanding.
We also wanted to thank everyone for their understanding this week (and next) as we know classes have been staffed by one coach, rather than two coached classes, for a number of hours this week. We know that part of your dedication to Roots and our commitment to our athletes lies in our belief in small class size. We are working diligently to fix this.
Also, thank you to all of the people who volunteered to help Stefanie this week in preparation for the Anniversary Party! We are so thankful for the support.