Introducing Connor’s Open Prep class!
For anyone who wants to spend extra time focusing on The Open this year, come join this fun, 12:30 p.m. class. Starting Friday, Feb. 5, this class will replace the regular Friday 12:30 group class for the next 5 weeks.
In this class, you will learn about strategizing workouts to maximize your performance. You will work on becoming more efficient in movements typically seen in The Open (i.e. barbell cycling, basic gymnastics, etc.) and practice pacing in Open-style workouts/intervals while learning more about The Open standards. It will also help your intramural team win the Roots Open. What’s stopping you?

While this class is open to all members, we do ask you aim to commit to all 5 weeks!
Sign-up for Connor’s Open Prep class through MBO. Class cancellation policy still applies.