Ergs on the Track?

We’re doing this workout at the TRACK!  All classes will be held at Centennial Middle School track (8:30 and 9:30am).  Address below. 

In teams of 4, or more:
AMRAP 20 minutes:
Run 400m
Max Row for Distance
Scores = teams total meters rowed.

To move through the 400m, each person must perform the following at each 100m mark: 
100m – 10 burpees
200m – 15 abmat sit-ups
300m – 20 KB swings
Upon returning to the rower, relieve the teammate currently rowing and row for distance until relieved by the person behind you.  Teams must stay in order.  At the start of the workout, teammates can start at each 100m mark. 


Greta putting in her time on the GHD.
Greta putting in her time on the GHD.

Ergs on the Track?

Join us at the Centennial Middle School track to combine the beauty and pain of the track with the erg!

Classes at 8:30 and 9:30am.

Centennial Middle School
2205 Norwood Ave
Boulder, CO 80304-1332


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