Eric Passes the CCFT Exam and Becomes a Certified CrossFit Trainer

5-5-5-5-5 reps

Eric started coaching in 2009 and on Friday he earned his CrossFit Coache
On Friday, Eric earned the Certified CrossFit Trainer credential.  Go Eric!

Eric Passes the CCFT Exam and Becomes a Certified CrossFit Trainer

We are proud to announce that last Friday Eric took and passed the CCFT exam earning the title of Certified CrossFit Trainer.  He is the 20th non-CrossFit HQ Staff person worldwide to pass this exam.  Eric’s commitment to improving as a coach and expanding his knowledge of CrossFit and training over the past five years is reflected in his passing of this exam.

If you see Eric this week be sure to give him a HIGH FIVE!

While the certificate courses are open to trainers at all stages of development, CrossFit Certifications are advanced credentials that ensure experienced individuals possess broad knowledge and finely honed abilities in the field of professional training. The certifications provide the public with an assurance of competency and professional accountability by:

  • Requiring a significant number of practical coaching hours before application;
  • Including examination questions that require analysis and application of knowledge gained from coaching experience;
  • Using performance-based examination to evaluate skills and coaching in real time;
  • Publishing Standards of Professional Practice to which certified trainers and coaches must adhere;
  • Ensuring commitment to a long-term standard of continuing education.

Individuals who have earned Certified CrossFit Trainer or Certified CrossFit Coach credentials will redefine fitness-industry standards through their dedication to results-based programming and training, practical application of knowledge, and comprehensive coaching ability.

The CCFT credential is under application review for accreditation by the American National Standards Institute.

14 Responses
  1. John Helson

    Eric….always knew we were getting AWESOME coaching at Roots. Just a little more confirmation. Huge achievement. Well done.

  2. achaux

    Congrats Eric! Coaching skills have always been Roots’ key advantage. Nice to have those skills fully recognized, and certified.

  3. Ben O'Brien

    There are 6 Crossfit boxes within 5 minutes of my house. I gladly drive 20 minutes to Roots for the excellent coaching which is personifies by Eric. Congratulations.