For time:
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 50 yards
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 100 yards
5 Muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 150 yards
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 200 yards

Farewell Gil
We are sad to say that Gil will no longer be at Roots although we are super excited for his adventure that lies ahead. He leaves for a 6 month stay in Europe this week. Below is a farewell note from Gil:
My time in Boulder is nearing an end, and regretfully I must say goodbye to Roots.
During my time at Roots I learned to stay high and tight, knees out, lumbar curved, embracing the burn, surrounding it, and pushing past it, with an extra serving of veggies and no fries with that, thank you very much.
I savored the workouts that played to my strengths, but focused like a laser on the ones that gave me hell. I started with god awful times, but after a solid year of consistent training 3 days a week I am proud to say that I’m in better physical and mental shape than I ever imagined.
My last day in Boulder is August 8, after which I will be embarking on a six month European adventure. I will do my best to stay in shape, and I look forward to keeping up with the Roots crew through the blog–doing the workouts on my own or in an affiliate gym whenever possible.
To the coaches I’d like to say thank you for teaching and pushing me beyond my comfort zone, and to my fellow athletes thank you for the camaraderie that gave me the motivation to show up for the workouts, give them all I’ve got, and high five it when the job is done.
Have a wonderful time in Europe. You, your handstand skills and your camaraderie will be missed.
Send/post pics. Do you need a Google Plus account? 🙂
Good luck Gil! We’ll miss you around the shop!
Gil, we’ll miss you! Have a great time in Europe and hopefully we’ll see you again when you’re stateside. Keep in touch and send us lots of handstand pics through Europe 🙂
Safe travels, Gil! Best of luck.
Gil – You will be missed!!! At Roots & at Bracket Labs! GitHub support just won’t be the same – neither will be Oly class. Hope you & Cristal have a fantastic adventure.
Have a blast traveling Europe!
Dude, you were inspiring to watch!
Could you throw some weight around…!?!
Drink good espresso…
Good luck Gil, it was a blast running with you at CFE! Hope to see you again, and have a great experience in Europe!
Take care, Gil! have fun and keep up with those handstands!
Thanks guys! My Google+ account is [email protected] and Facebook is