Fashion Friday Recap

Check yesterday’s post for updated instructions for getting SugarWOD installed on your Android phone.

As many rounds as possible in 20 min:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Fashion Friday Recap

Fashion Friday Recap

A big thank you to Chelsea Boulder and Liz of Mile High Style for hosting last week’s Fashion Friday!  We had a blast hitting the town!  Liz described dressing yourself well as a process.  Establish a strong foundation of basics, shop with purpose to enhance that foundation, and learn how to maintain it- not unlike sticking to a paleo or zone diet.  What CrossFitter wouldn’t like that?

For those of you who missed it, here are a couple of Liz’s words of wisdom.  It sounds simple but the foundations are the key to success.

3 Simple Key Points for dressing a fit physique –

  • Good style = impeccable basics + bold accessories
  • Start with the foundation for your wardrobe before investing in special pieces
  • Athletic bodies should maximize length: v-neck, tops hit at hips, add height

10 Clothing Basics for Every Closet –

  • skinny/straightleg jeans in blue and grey
  • v-neck tshirt in white and grey, longsleeve and shortsleeve
  • tank top in white and black
  • white buttondown
  • nude camisole or tank
  • silk camisole
  • black or navy blazer
  • cardigan
  • jean jacket
  • black leggings
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