Congrats to the Roots team who placed 7th in the South West Region! More on that tomorrow!
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 bar muscle-ups
135-lb. thrusters, 10 reps
Post rounds completed to comments.

Food Chalk Talk with Matt Chan!
We are pleased and excited to welcome Matt Chan to Roots on Wednesday, June 11th at 6:00pm!
The chalk talk will focus on Matt’s approach to nutrition, strict Zone, and advanced Zoning techniques to maximize performance and results.
Matt is a 6-time CrossFit Games competitor and has used nutrition throughout his CrossFit career to gain a competitive edge on his competition.
Whether you are interested in Zone for health and wellness or competition this talk is for you!
Questions? Post to comments.
Great job, team Roots!!!
Amazing job guys! So impressive and inspiring to watch.
So awesome to watch you guys from Oregon!! Congrats*1,000,000,000!!!!
Way to go Team Roots! Awesome performances for your 1st time competing at Regionals!
Is the food chalk with Matt chan open to non members? Thanks!