5 rounds for time of:
155-lb. squat cleans, 7 reps
14 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Goodnight. Sleep Clean.
It’s 6:45pm and you’re finishing up dinner. You look at your watch and think, “I’ll be in bed by nine!” But then you think through all of the things you want to get done before you hit the sack – do the dishes, pack a lunch for tomorrow, fold a basket of laundry, read a blog post someone sent you, oh and brush your teeth. Not bad, you have two hours!
But somehow you don’t hustle through those things and glance at your phone as you turn off the light shocked to see that it is now 10:30!
Maybe this only happens to me but after reading “Goodnight. Sleep Clean.” its given me the extra nudge hustle through the bedtime routine, and even leave a basket of laundry for folding over the weekend.
The article reports on a group of studies that highlight the importance of sleep in a new way. The Nedergaard lab research finds that sleep plays a crucial role in the maintenance of our brain – basically, sleep is when our body flushes out toxins that build in our brain throughout a day. From messing with our brain’s metabolism to opening the door for disease, sleep plays a crucial role in in its maintenance.
“At the extreme end, the result could be the acceleration of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. While we don’t know whether sleep loss causes the disease, or the disease itself leads to sleep loss — what Dr. Veasey calls a “classic chicken-and-egg” problem — we do know that the two are closely connected.”
Do you have a set bedtime? How do you make it happen each night? Post to comments.
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