In teams of two:
Complete Grace, alternating reps 1 for 1 (60 C&Js, 95/65)
then 200 air squats alternating in sets of 10
then, individual Helen
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB swings (24/16)
12 pull-ups
Notes: partners must alternate C&J reps in singles and air squats in sets of 10. Partners should use the same bar for C&J ONLY if possible. Otherwise, two bars. Upon completion of team portion, athletes immediately start in on individual Helen.

In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet Today!
Head on out to Roots today for the In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet! Over 20 athletes are signed up!
What: Roots 2nd Annual In-House Oly Meet
When: March 10, 2012
Where: The Platforms at CrossFit Roots
Time: 10:30am – 1:00pm
ATHLETE NOTES!: Warmup and weigh-ins begin at 10am. All competitors must be present for the pre-meet meeting at 10:45. The lifting will commence at 11am!
Open to members and non-members. Free to members. $20 for non-members.
And please please please come back for the 11-1 OLY Meet. We would all love it if you were there cheering us on and it will be fun!!!
This is what I get for using my wife’s computer to comment… I (Scott) really want you all to come out. I don’t know if she cares — but she will be there cheering and I”m sure would love some company.
Good luck to everyone today! I have to work at the school clinic or I’d be there throwing around heavy shit with yall.
Way to go Alice! Scott, will you be wearing your speedo?
Bummed to miss out! Can we have one in, say, August?