Squat Heavy.
Deadlift Heavy.

Great Extents.
What’s the greatest extent you’ve gone to in order to get in a CrossFit workout? Post to comments.
Squat Heavy.
Deadlift Heavy.
What’s the greatest extent you’ve gone to in order to get in a CrossFit workout? Post to comments.
So many instances come to mind it’s hard to figure out which was the “greatest extent”…
1. While attending a conference in Boston, I once paid $40 in cab fees to go to CrossFit Boston’s lunchtime workout – twice. I had to convince the cab driver to come back and get me so that I’d only be gone for 1.5 hours exactly so no one would wonder where I was.
2. At Thanksgiving, I told my parents I had to go coach a private session so I could get in some front squats while simultaneously not letting them think I was crazy (I’d already left once that day to do a workout). Sorry Mom and Dad…
3. Eric and I were driving back from a wedding in Bozeman one time and after an 11 hour car ride we drove straight to the shop and got in a workout – at 10:30pm.
I do know one Roots member who cancelled her surgery the morning of because she saw the workout posted and didn’t want to miss it!
I boarded a 6AM (Atlantic time) flight from a municipal airport in New Brunswick Canada. Landed in New Hampshire, missed my shuttle to Boston Logan. Arrived Boston Logan, LATE for my flight DIA. As stand-by passenger traveled Boston to Dallas, Dallas to Denver. Finally arrived Boulder 11:45 PM .
The next day 9:00 AM MST I reached my destination Cross Fit Roots.
Woke up at 0-dark-30 to ride across Seattle on the Hotel’s rental bike to work out at Crossfit Belltown. Finished the the workout and did my best Mark Cavendish to get back to the hotel to shower and grab some breakfast in remaining 12 minutes before our van left for our annual strategy meeting.
I can’t quite tell if that’s Chad or not since apparently everyone on Instagram has decided that all pictures look better if they appear to taken in 1923 but whoever it is needs to do some fucking crunches. Holy flabbola.
That’s the flip-cup runner-up team from last night.. 🙂
Hey, I haven’t seen The Walking Ab (TM TYD) in quite some time! Good to see you, Chad!
Tomorrow AM @ 8:25 local time it looks like, the 48KG Women will be lifting. You should watch them Snatch and C&J — its going to be very impressive: http://www.nbcolympics.com/online-listings/sport=weightlifting/index.html
After traveling 16 hours to Singapore, I woke up early to get to Crossfit Singapore and did a 7 round 32 min WOD which including walking lunges with 105# on my back in the sun and humidity on pavement (bloody knees).
In Berlin, the owner said he could only take me at 7am when I knew I was going out that evening. I made it and he did the class in English just for me!
Is it wrong when scheduling vacations and trips scouting out closest crossfit box is something I always do before booking?