Happy Thanksgiving WOD 2011

In teams of five, complete the following 4-part WOD in any order your team chooses.  Score is total time minus total reps.  Teams must complete an entire WOD before moving on to the next:

Move 250 pounds of sandbags to the other side of the shop and back twice.  All team members and sandbags must negotiate all obstacles.

Row 500m for time
Only one team member may be working at a time

For reps and time:
4 laps 45 pound barbell overhead lunge
Max KB swings, box jumps, burpees
One team member lunges around the orange plates.  Other team members work at KB, box jumps, and burpees – only one team member can work on each exercise at a time.  Teams can swap out the barbell lunger.  Score is max reps and time.

10 minute AMRAP
Max rep rope climb and prowler push (95 pounds)
Use any rope available.

Obstacles, rope climbs, prowler pushes, oh my. Welcome to Thanksgiving WOD 2011.


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