Have you signed up for the OptimizeMe Nutrition #800gChallenge yet?
[button link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=6203&stype=-104&sTG=33&sView=day&sLoc=0″ type=”big” color=”orange”] Sign-up Now. [/button]
How do these sample days look to you? No foods are off limits! Points are awarded for hitting the 800g gram target (2 points), making diverse choices (6 or more items, 1 point), and working out (1 point). Cost is $45 per person. Family members and friends can play along as “unaffiliated” members.
Have questions? Ask in comments AND join us for the Chalk Talk Wednesday, January 24 at 5PM at CrossFit Roots. Boulder Kitchen Collective will also be at the talk to discuss and sample their pre-made approved meals that will be available for purchase during the challenge.