Snatch Balance

July Free Class is Saturday and Other Weekend Events!
Curious about this thing called CrossFit? Have a friend that’s curious? Roots will host the monthly Free Class and Intro Session this Saturday, July 5th at 11am. Come join Nicole for an hour-long introduction to CrossFit and Roots. It’s always a good time!
If you’re a current Roots member you are more than welcome to come to the intro session with your friend.
And, for the Roots Crew, don’t forget about the holiday weekend festivities and class schedule:
Friday, July 4th – 9:30am
4th of July team workout followed by the Annual Shop Breakfast. Please sign-up at the shop front desk to bring one of a few specific items for the great breakfast sandwich cookout!
Saturday, July 5th – regular class schedule
8:00, 9:00, 10:00am
Sunday, July 6th – regular class schedule
8:30, 9:30am group classes
10:30-12:30 open shop
Here’s a movement you may have never done before but can help your Oly lifting tremendously! And of course there is some juicy skill work to go with it, so GET IN HERE!