On to the next block of skill work!
We saw huge improvement through the April/May skill work and we are going to continue with similar themes in different variations. There are three blocks that you will see weekly and two more that you will see every other week during the next few months. And, of course, we will have scaled options for you. Go get it!
Muscle Up, Pull-up, Dip
2 sets of:
1-5 bar muscle-ups
1-5 kipping pull-ups
10-sec. flexed arm hang
4 sets of:
5 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 ring dips
HSPU, Pistols, TTB
4 sets of:
5 strict handstand push-ups
3/side pistols
5 strict toes-to-bars
1 set: Max-reps kipping toes-to-bars
5-min. EMOM:
Max-time L-sit hold
Rope Climb
5-min. EMOM:
1 legless rope climb
1-arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat
10-min. alternating EMOM:
a. 5/side 1-arm DB overhead squats
b. Max-distance handstand walk or max-time freestanding handstand hold
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