21 hang squat clean thrusters (115)
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 hangs squat clean thrusters
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 hang squat clean thrusters
21 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Last Call for RSVPs.
Today is the LAST day to RSVP for the Holiday Party on Saturday. Respond to the Evite or email Stefanie! Spouses, significant others, and children are welcome to attend. We hope to see you there!
And just what happens at this annual party?
We kick-off the evening at 6:30pm with dinner and drinks. We’ll stock a bar to get us started but please bring a drink or beverage to share. During dinner we’ll do the annual Holiday Party Raffle where you can win tons of fun prizes like one month of membership on us, Roots apparel, and super fun prizes from establishments such as The Cup, Two Sole Sisters, and lululemon – and if you own a local establishment and would like to contribute to the raffle, please let us know!
Then at 8:30pm DJ Double Under takes the stage and rocks us into the wee hours of the morning – put those strong squatting glutes to work! The door of song requests is lengthy so be prepared to dance your ass off. Not into dancing? We fully endorse that too. Come mix, mingle, and party.
It’s going to take a total of 37:58 to get through the entirety of Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas”, so plan accordingly people.