20 double-unders
8 muscle-ups
40 double-unders
6 muscle-ups
60 double-unders
4 muscle-ups
80 double-unders
2 muscle-ups
100 double-unders

Magic Fairy Dust.
We all have movements that we struggle with: snatches, pullups, overhead squats, running, ring dips, handstand pushups. The list is endless. We all have our goats and often they are our least favorite thing to work on. Why? Because we like to do things at which we feel confident and accomplished. It is way more fun than practicing the things we suck at. The problem with that is that there really is NO MAGIC FAIRY DUST. Your goats aren’t going to turn into strengths without focused attention. Nobody wishes that was true more than me, but it just isn’t.
Open shop is a great opportunity to work on your goats. And if your goats are made worse by poor mobility or flexibility, why not stay awhile and address your mobility issues while you are here.
Most. Frustrating. Workout. Ever.
The rest of today will be very easy.