Masters Workouts 1 & 2!

5:30am-9:30am classes:
Event 1 of the Master’s Qualifier
1-rep-max clean

12:00pm and 3 and 4 pm classes:
9-7-5 reps for time of:
squat snatches (135/95)

Nicole and Jake get after Zimmerman last Friday.
Nicole and Jake get after Zimmerman last Friday.

Masters Workouts 1 & 2!

The four Master’s Qualifier workouts have been announced!  You can view the workouts and all of the age-specific load and movement standards here.

CrossFit Roots is proud of the FIVE athletes who qualified for the Master’s Qualifier by placing in the top 200 in their age group in the world in the CrossFit Open:
Hillary Harris
Ben O’Brien
Pam Walter
Verona Rylander
Alice Phinney

They will be doing the four workouts over the next four days.  All workout and video submissions are due by Monday at 6pm MST.

To help them get the best competitive vibe for these workouts, they will be doing Event 1 and 2 in the structure of a group class tomorrow – so, depending on what time you come to class tomorrow, you may do Event 1 or Event 2.

Good luck to our Master’s Qualifiers.  These are great workouts for you guys!

Questions?  Post to comments. 

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