For time:
80 squats
70 push-ups
60 one-legged squats, alternating
50-calorie row
40 single-arm overhead squats, 35-lb. dumbbell
30 handstand push-ups
20 thrusters, 35-lb. dumbbells
10 muscle-ups

Meet a Root: Charity Watson
1. Vitals: Charity Watson. I joined roots in February 2015.
2. Where were you born/raised? I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. No, I don’t like cheese, and yes, I’m a Packer fan…if you’re not your family will disown you.
3. Married, kids, family? Nada!
4. What do your days consist of? Working out, video editing, pouring beers at Twisted Pine, and planning my next adventure now that I decided not to go to grad school.
5. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? I’ve always been driven to things that push my edge, whether that be physically, mentally, or emotionally. I love that CrossFit has the ability to push those edges in such a short time frame. Some days it’s a physical edge of how much can my body really do… other days I watch myself pushing a mental edge. Either way it’s growth. The community is really awesome as well.
6. What is your least favorite thing about CrossFit? Constantly wondering if it will ever stop hurting so much… I’m guessing not…
7. Favorite WOD or movement? Rowing and dead lifts.
8. Lease favorite WOD or movement? Pull ups, snatches…
9. Do you have any goals in CrossFit? Pull-ups with no bands by the end of the year! Getting handstand push-ups would be awesome too.
10. When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy? Hiking, backpacking, soccer, running, biking… Basically anything!
11. How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule? I usually aim for 4 mornings a week, and then do other activities in the evenings and on weekends. CF is the first kind of workout that I’ve been able to do consistently in the morning and I love how strong it makes me feel going into my day.
12. Any favorite stories about a CrossFit experience? Funny, comical, happy cool? Nicole used to come sit at the bar when I worked at Snooze and I loved chatting with her. I had always been super skeptical about CrossFit but she told me to come and try it out. At the time, life was in one of those roller coaster seasons and I was on the verge of relapsing into an addiction I had spent years recovering from. One night I was feeling particularly vulnerable but decided that I’d at least go to a WOD first. It happened to be back squats and one of those WODs where the last round we go one by one. Everyone cheering each other on, spotting one another, and pushing their limits to PR totally dissipated my urge to relapse that night and gave me strength to move forward. Ultimately CrossFit, the coaches, and everyone in this community have given me so much strength through a difficult season and reminded me that I am much stronger than I believed. A huge thank you to all the coaches and especially to Nicole for reaching out!
13. Anything you’d like to add? Abe, you’ll never catch me!
Great interview–stay strong Charity!
I love this story! I’m not going to lie it got the ole eyes a little teary!
Glad you’re with us Charity!
Loved this, thanks for sharing Charity. We have an amazing family at Roots and I’m psyched you’re part of it!
Beautiful interview! Charity, you rock!
Amazing, Charity! It’s always great to workout with you at 7:30.
Abe you’re getting called out on the blog, good luck catching up buddy.
Charity we’re lucky to have you, thanks for sharing!
So it’s gonna be like that….. Charity….. It’s on now!!! (Ok it’ll be on when I get back in a couple of weeks)
Not going to lie I’ve been kinda dreading this going up, but sharing is part of the journey and as always you guys are incredibly supportive. I couldn’t be happier to be a part of this community!!
You got a no bands pullup last week and today, so that goal is already half checked off!