Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
20 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Pull-ups

Meet a Root – Jim Kienholz, better known as Lil’ Jim
1. Months CrossFitting?
Since Dec. 2008 (19 months).
2. Favorite WOD or lift (pick one)?
Grace. Handstands.
3. Least favorite WOD or lift (pick one)?
Anything with running. Would do double unders any day over running.
4. What do you do for work? (career)
Civil Engineer/Project Manager working for an environmental consulting firm and yet I dont hug trees.
5. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit?
Besides getting Nicole to roll her eyes during the 6:00 class, Crossfit = the reset button. Any problem I have had during the day is completely erased after a WOD.
When I yell “Time”
6. What is your least favorite thing about CrossFit?
My least favorite things are usually the ones i need to work on. Torn up hands but that they arent as bad as they used to be. The moment right before 3-2-1.
7. Do you have any goals in CrossFit? Anything specific you want to accomplish? (muscle up, pull-up, handstand push up, body-weight squat)
100 ft. handstand walk, 250 lb clean, lose another 20+ lbs with paleo. Get Ryan to say “good lift” after 3 Oly lifts in a row.
8. When you’re not CrossFitting, what activities keep you busy?
Ice Hockey. Motorcycles (street/dirt).
9. Where were you born/raised?
Ft. Pierre, SD – If you want to sound local, pronounce it like the structure into the water, not like the french. Spent the 8th grade in Lahore, Pakistan, No, father was not in the military. Graduated high school in Holyoke, CO. Dinky town in the northeast corner near Nebraska.
10. Married, kids, family?
Single never married. 8 nieces n nephews from two sisters.
11. How do you make CrossFit a part of your weekly schedule?
I work from home so it is a great excuse to get out of the house.
12. Anything you’d like to add?
It has taken me way too long and too many WODs to realize how important nutrition is.
A few months back, as part of an assignment, Jim wrote a poem – and he wrote it about one of our favorite benchmark ladies. Enjoy!
A Special Kind of Torture
By: Jim Kienholz
I ignore the fear.
Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.
I check the board
Oh Lord….
The evil one …..Fran
Will she make me a he-man
Or make me beg for my afghan
My heart wants a PR.
My brain wonders about the ER.
With a barbell in front of me
Misery loves company.
But given my druthers
I wouldn’t trade this band of brothers.
The music may be blaring but I hear not a peep
Before the 3…..2…..1…..Beep
Put it all on the line
My mind forgets the world
As the reps are unfurled
Where did the oxygen go
With all this to and fro
I must endure this pain
To be master of my domain
Or I could just be insane
To desire this strain
The end of the line
When I yell…TIME
I collapse to the floor
Not having any more
I am no longer fearful
For I see my sweat angel
A Special Kind of Torture they shout.
Will they see me tomorrow? Without a doubt
Cool – Holyoke, CO. My great grandfather homesteaded there. You’re the only other person I have heard of that has lived there. “Hard livin'” from his written accounts. No wonder you like CF.
I love the poem Jim!
Jim — I will miss our 9:30am this Saturday…and I am already bummed about it. Your an inspiration — love working out with you. Speaking of…nice job pushing thru the last 50 pull-ups last week during Angie with mega rips on your hands. Are they still screaming at you? As you know…Angie & Fran are 2 of the best! If you can handle them….you can handle a wife…. love the poem. (I feel the same way).
awesome – lil’ jim! love the poem and the pic! hey- and i was born in SD too (rapid city)! woot!
Cool picture Lil Jim!