5 rounds for time:
25 wallball
35 double-unders

Workout Mind Games
Our physical and mental place, environment, and state of mind have a tremendous affect on our workouts. This weekend I had what I considered a shitty ass workout (that’s a technical term). My mental state going in was not that great and it deteriorated throughout the workout ending in a giant pile of suck. Here’s what I remember from my train of thought in the 20 minutes that is Cindy. Anyone else ever melted down into a suckfest? Post to comments.
Ok, here you go, three fun people to workout with, a great environment, great training over the past month, a classic CF benchmark that you haven’t done in a year. Awesome. Well, sort of, I’m kind of unmotivated to do this…
3-2-1 Go!
- Stay smooth on the first round, don’t go crazy, build in to it, it’s 20 minutes
- Wow, butterfly pull-ups are fast, way faster than kipping
- Can I do butterfly for all 20 minutes? Maybe I should do every other round butterfly. Why?
- 13th air squat of first round, shit everyone is already on the pull-up bar
- Go faster or sit in and steady it up? What to do? Is that third gear in me today?
- Just get in a workout, you’ve got a busy afternoon at your job, don’t go crazy.
- End of 3rd round, shit why do my push-ups feel this crappy?
- Probably because you did 50 push-ups and 100 pull-ups on Thursday. That was stupid but I didn’t know I was going to do Cindy. Stop making excuses, suck it up
- Lance just reminded Joe to go a little deeper on his squats, are my squats deep enough?
- It’s hot, but my hair did curl really nicely this morning, humidity rocks!
- I should have shaved my hands, I’m going to rip
- Don’t forget to do your squats like that one time you were doing Cindy and you forgot your squats on that one round. I wonder how many people have ever forgot a rep or set in a CF workout. Probably everyone at some point. Honest mistake.
- Do your push-ups in sets of five, that will be good
- I wonder if Nadia is done squatting? I should have run 800s with Spencer.
- It’s hot
- When I lived in VA the humidity never got to me, Colorado is making me weak. Ah, but we have snow and ice and run through it
- Joe took his shirt off, I’m taking off my shirt, it’s hot and maybe that will spare me 10 seconds from this damned workout
- Lance’s push-ups are fast. Fine, 4-3 and 3s for push-ups
- What is wrong with my arms? My arms suck.
- Joe is using chalk to count his rounds, shit I should do that, I don’t want to lose count
- Screw this 531 and my bench press, it’s certainly not helping my push-ups
— 10 minutes in! — - I am certain on my old Cindys’ that my push-ups were easy until 12 minutes in. Why the change? What the hell? Maybe my push-ups sucked last time I did Cindy and I didn’t know it and now I’m holding a higher standard. Probably not.
- I know I got 20+ rounds one time, what the hell?
- Todd is tall
- I wish Colorado was this warm
- How am I already back at push-ups? WTF?
- Ok a set of 3 – 3 – 3 -1
- That didn’t work, what the hell is wrong with my push-ups?
— 5 minutes left! — - Five minutes left?! Ok this is my time, I love the last 5 minutes of a 20 minute amrap, it’s go time!
- Where the hell is my go time?
- I must need a rest day. You just took a rest day. Maybe you need two
- Is it time yet? I am so done.
- Everyone else is falling apart, I’m limited by push-ups
— TIME —
This post is awesome
Crossfit roots: if you’re ever wondering how your coach stacks up; she’s at the top!
Loooove this post
So glad that your brain works this way too!
Love long metcons…so much time to debate with yourself…
It’s heartening to know that I’m not the only one who does this. Exactly why keeping the count is hard.