EMOTM for 15 minutes:
1 power snatch, 5 OHS.

New Website.
Hey Roots Crew –
We’re working diligently on a website overhaul and update.
What new features would you like to see on our website? What information do you find hard to locate? What are some of your favorite parts about our current website?
an athlete told me to check this out and if you haven’t seen it yet, well, you need to. enjoy!
이 고전 한국어 팝 엔터테인먼트입니다. 거기 내 3 년 좋은 추억을 제공합니다. 공유를위한 감사합니다, 셰인. Translation: This is classic Korean pop entertainment. Brings back great memories of my 3 years there. Thanks for sharing, Shane.
features i’d like to see: paleo recipes
hard to locate: scrolling to find old posts
favs: daily photo; ease of whiteboard; online scheduling; daily WOD; commentary by nicole!
Ditto for the constant and awesome updates by Nicole. Let’s not lose those!
I’m with Lynn.
I also appreciate the timely (night before) updates. If you come early, it’s nice to be prepared! (time to look up weights, wear long socks for rope climbs, etc.)
I think the website is great. The only thing I’d add is perhaps categories for posts so they’re easier to search and it’d be nice if the newsletters were archived on the website for reference. I like Lynn’s comment about paleo recipes too.
I don’t really use the website for anything more than reading the blog posts, which are really great. I agree with Lynn that it is hard to find specific content though. A search function for blog content would be rad.
I’d like to see a member profile section with photos so I could put faces with names. Maybe password secured. GANGNAM STYLE! sweet.
Love: MBO, daily WOD and photo up front and center, WOD posted the night before for planning, the wide range of timely topics on the blog, whiteboard, and a clear, easy to read format/layout.
Might be cool to see: a section where people could post upcoming events or notices that might get missed on the comment section (unless you happened to see it).
Done. 10 office wall squats
Done to GANGNAM STYLE, of course. The site rocks. I’m always amazed by the quality of the daily content / commentary, etc.
i’d like to see more comments from EVERYONE daily!
Anyone after 5 pm find a silver wedding ring around the floor?
Raf, check at open shop tomorrow.
Raf think we found it. Look familiar?https://www.icloud.com/photostream/#A8JtdOXmJumii2 ask a coach for it when you come in.
whiteboard is really helpful for posting personal info on how a workout went. But sometimes it’s not available yet for that particular day. How about if whiteboard updates to the next day automatically, even if there’s no picture up. It could just be an update of “DATE” and “details to be posted soon”. That way it’s always available for posting that day’s workout as soon as a workout is finished and not missing now and then. To enhance the whiteboard listing, a photo and more info can always be added later.
Events Calendar would be a sweet addition.
I agree with everyone’s comments… Overall the site ROCKS. I don’t know if this falls under a website revamp, but Whiteboard and MBO can be a little clunky on the ole’ smartphone. It’d be cool to have a smartphone version of the site if that was at all possible.
I think it would be cool to have a featured crossfitter every so often. It might be cool to put someone on the spot for a day, and it would give everyone a chance to learn a little more about that person.
LOVE the whiteboard feature, and how you’re able to search for previous workouts!
However, it would be nice to be able to update results for whatever workout you did that day, not just for the normal WOD. Maybe be able to select between WOD, WOD 1.0, Endurance, etc. Or even just be able to enter your own workout. Right now, I just enter my own workout for WOD 1.0 in the notes section, but then you can’t search for later.
(Sorry this is posted 2+ weeks late – just thought of it now!)