The 12 Days of CrossFit Roots
1 – rope climb
2 – bar muscle-up
3 – row 50m
4 – handstand push-up
5 – overhead squat (95/65)
6 – burpee box jumps (up and over)
7 – KB swings (24/16)
8 – hang power clean (135/95)
9 – toes-2-bar
10 – wall ball
11 – hand release push-up
12 – pistol
On the First Day of CrossFit, My Coaches Gave to Me…
Today’s the day, come on in for this much anticipated seasonal workout! Not sure you can do all the movements? No problem! We’ll always scale!
AND, on Saturday we dropped some awesome news that the one and only Chris Hinshaw will be coming to Roots on January 3rd for a 4-hour Aerobic Capacity Seminar.
Sign-up is NOW OPEN! Click here to register. Spaces limited. Cost: $120.
This is a unique opportunity to learn from the man who has helped top CrossFit Games athletes reach the podium by addressing their largest weakness – the ability to go long and recover from it.
This seminar is applicable to the competitive CrossFit athlete, the CrossFit athlete who would like to improve their aerobic capacity in the sports they love, and all coaches of athletes.
Questions? Post to comments.