Our Newest Athlete – Mega the-deadlifting-phenom Munny

21-15-9 reps for time of:
225 (155) pound Deadlift
95 (65) pound Thruster

Munny is a natural on the rings as his cupped hands make for a strong ring hold.

Our Newest Athlete.

You might have seen him at the shop lately, he usually hangs out near the front door.  Maybe you passed him on the way to the bathroom and noticed his blue color or strikingly hot body.  Or maybe you noticed his trend-setting broken-pull-up-band headband look and secretly wish you had started that trend last time you snapped a band.  After all, Shane, Eric, Jake, Blaine, Ben, and Sam have all been spotted recently wearing broken bands (look for photo proof in the next issue of USMagazine).  Whatever the case, we wanted to take a moment to introduce our newest athlete – Mega the-deadlifting-phenom Munny – to the shop.

Mega Munny hails from the town of KidRobot, Colorado where he was a standout artist and athlete.  Since coming to the world of CrossFit he, like all of us at the shop, has found he excels at some things while others present new challenges.

Overhead squats are challenging for him as his arms are not long enough to clear the top of his head.  This paired with his gigantic nogen (there’s a lot of brain power in there) makes handstand walking a real obstacle.  On the flip side though he’s a standout deadlifter as his levers were built for powerlifting.  And, on the rings, his grip strength and shoulder flexibility take him to new levels not yet seen by athletes.

Be sure to give him a high five on the way out the door.  We’re sure it will turn those mediocre days into stellar PRs.

(A very special thanks to KidRobot for the Roots-colored mascot.  He’s awesome!)


3 Responses
  1. Sarah

    He was attempting a dip – turns out he has a hard time with those too. Something about not having elbows…