Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
If you have already tested your back squat for Paleo 2.0, we will change your lift.
Come lift heavy shit!

Five Minutes
I often convince myself that small efforts toward learning a new skill, completing a goal, or checking off a task are not worth it. If I can’t commit 30 minutes or more, then it doesn’t to register on my “worthwhile” scale – all or nothing. Take, for example, my initial approach to foam rolling. It sounded like a good idea but there was “just no time” because I thought only in :30 minute increments.
What would five minutes of foam rolling really do for a person? How about a minute on each IT band, a minute on each glute, and a minute on your back. If you add up those five minute efforts over the course of a week you get 7:00 minutes on each IT band and 35:00 minutes of foam rolling. Superb!
Obviously this concept can be applied to many things we do in life but specifically in the foam rolling and lacrosse ball world – you’ve got plenty of time for five minutes of maintenance and the payoffs are HUGE!