Tuesdays at 11:30/12:30, Tuesday/Thursdays at 8:00am, Thursday at 11:30, and Saturday at 8, 9, and 10 added to the class schedule!
Clean & Jerk
retest backsquat lift from Paleo 2.0

Paleo 2.0 Wrap Up
Paleo 2.0 wrapped up last night at midnight. We’ll take the next five days to retest the two intake workouts and take exit measurements and pictures. Make sure to get your workouts, numbers, and payment in by this week. We will post the winning team on Sunday.
Cancellation Policy Community Input
We want your input! Currently, we define a late cancellation as inside the 3 hour window for classes at 11:30 or later, and 10 hours for classes at 5:45, 7:00, and 8:00. Beginning in two weeks, we will change the late cancellation window so that it is standard for all classes. So, what should this window be? 3 hours? 6 hours? 12 hours?
When answering the question, think of it this way! If you were on a waitlist, how far in advance (# of hours) would you want/need to know in order to make it work so that you could attend the class.
3 hours
I vote for 24 hours! Okay, 12 hours if that’s as high as you’ll go.
It’s a hassle being on the waitlist – Boulder is full of alternatives, and a short deadline doesn’t let you plan something else.
3 hrs
6 hrs
3 hours
6 hrs
My vote is for a 12 hours across-the-board. Short enough to accomodate life events that come up, long enough to prevent slot-hoarding.
6 Hrs
6-12 hours
12 hours. I personally would not get an email if it was sent any less than that for an early morning class. Besides, this way you can’t cancel after you find out we’re doing Eva… 🙂
12 hrs
3 hrs – if you have an AM class you’ll have to cancel the night before anyway unless you wake up at 4am 😉
12 hours for AM classes
3 hours
3 hours
12 hours. what other appointments do you cancel with 3 hours notice?