5 rounds:
Run 200m
3 rope climb
This is the benchmark series workout for the rope climb test. Log your workout!
Paleo and Zone
You’ve heard us talk about two methods to get you dialed in to a healthy and sustainable way of eating: Paleo and Zone.
Paleo: A way of eating that mimics the way our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic Era before the advent of agriculture. In short, you can eat meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. All grains, dairy, legumes, extracted sugar, and anything processed are not a part of this way of eating.
Zone: The Zone diet is based on achieving hormonal balance from the foods that you eat and getting the proper food quantity at each meal. Each meal is crafted in a 40/30/30 ratio of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. This diet does not prohibit or eliminate any type of food but rather limits consumption through macronutrient quantities.
Each diet has its merits and our athletes have had tremendous success improving their health and performance with Paleo, Zone, and Paleo/Zone combo efforts.
If you’re curious about how to get started with either approach, here are two great resources. Try not to get lost in the details. The links below are all you need to get this going!
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