5 rounds for time of:
25 GHD sit-ups
25 back extensions
15-foot legless rope climb, 5 ascents
Each rope climb should begin and end seated on the floor.
While a food challenge is a fantastic way to get back on track, create good habits, and learn more about what works for you, it’s also important to remember that we can work to improve our food outside of a challenge. For some, they do better improving their food efforts without the structure and overhead of a food challenge.
I know what some of you are saying – it’s WAY harder to do this than when I’m told what to do. I agree, for some people, a challenge works very well. But for others, baby steps get them the results they want – and I see tons of merit in baby steps.
Over the next month, we challenge you to identify one area of your food that has slid the wrong direction. We want a SMALL thing. Take a moment to give it some thought and when you have it, post to comments.
Here’s an example.
I drink Americanos, black, with no cream, everyday. When ski season rolls around I often order an 8oz latte for the car ride up to the mountains. This occasional treat throughout the ski months has always been satisfying, yet something that enters my life for a few short months out of every year. On a rare occasion, I will order a mocha. The feeling of sipping my latte as we drive up the mountains in our snow gear gives me the warm fuzzies and makes me feel good about the world in general – and I never feel guilty about this decision.
Lately, for reasons I am not sure, I started ordering more lattes throughout the week. It’s as if I don’t have control of my lips when I make my order and “latte” just rolls off my tongue. While this may seem like a small thing – it’s not, it adds up, just like any other food decision. My conscious effort is to go back to making lattes my ski ritual, and not my everyday ritual.
What is your one small thing you can dial back in for the next month? Post to comments.
This time of year is tough for me, I physically feel more hungry, it has to be the weather. I have the same issue lately, I usually always order americanos, but lately it’s lattes. I go into the coffee shop thinking Americano, but I say latte when I order! I get mad at myself but than do it again and again. Also, a handful of nuts here and there adds up but I can’t stop it! So I’m drawing the line right here and now!
My thing continues to be sugar. Steve and I have pretty much still off sugar since the sugar challenge but I have had three things that have had added sugar since it ended and it feels like it’s slowly creeping back in. My challenge is to make sure I always have an emergency pack of no sugar added food on me so I am not acting out of desperation when I am out and about and feeling desperately hungry.
Man, I am so busted! I threw out all my ShittyCandy for the challenge. Fell off the wagon with a box of Dots a couple weeks ago, and that addiction has already insidiously crept back into my world. So much so, that the attached photo represents my current stash of ShittyCandy. Yeah, I had a bad day yesterday and all of this shit ended up in my house last night. I know you said pick a small thing, but this particular small thing ends up being a LOT of small things, in a hurry. So, no more of this shit.
My office has a cupboard always full of free snacks (chips, peanut butter crackers, granola bars etc), countertops with random stuff people bring in and a clear bowl of Peanut M&Ms filled daily. This is on the path from my office to the water dispenser so it’s in my view like 4-5 times/day. Over the last month, I’ve grabbed “a little something” multiple times if I’m bored/hungry/uninspired by my prepacked lunch — but I have no business eating anything there. My focus will be keeping my paws off of all of it – zippo for me. (And maybe sneaking in a non-see-through bowl for those dang M&Ms …)