3 rounds for time of:
135-lb. clean and jerks, 10 reps
50 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
Is your goal to get a muscle-up? A bodyweight snatch? Then check out the PowerMonkey Clinic coming to Roots on January 16 and 17. Come spend two days working on skills and drills to move you toward your goals in Olympic Weightlifting and Gymnastics.
This clinic is taught by a standout group of coaches with impressive resumes in the sport of gymnastics and Olympic Weightlifting. You can learn more about the clinic and PowerMonkey here.
The 2-day clinic is $425. Space is limited and capped at 24 participants. This clinic will open to the public on Monday. To register, click here.
Here is a rundown of the 2-day clinic:
Weightlifting Sessions
Overhead Positioning & Squat Technique
Stability Adjustment
Pulling & Catching the Snatch in Ideal Positions
Setting up the Jerk
Front Rack Position
Pulling & Catching the Clean in Ideal Positions
Front Squat Technique & Shoulder/Wrist Mobility
Gymnastics Sessions
Movement Philosophy. Understanding principles behind being healthy vs. competing.
Shoulder Health Warm Up & Basic Individual Mobility
Assessment Into Stretches/Corrective Exercises.
Bar Work (breakdown + drills for various movements)
Ring Work – Complete breakdown of muscle up mechanics and discussion of common mistakes
Handstand Work (drills, structure recognition, HSPU positioning for different variations, supplemental exercises)