5 2-Minute Rounds:
Run 200m
10 power snatch (115/75)
10 toes-to-bar
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Pick up where you left off to begin the next interval.
A few weeks ago, I pulled the shit out of my hamstring – like couldn’t walk off the field after I pulled it. That’s right, I pulled it playing Rec League softball. It hurt so bad that I may have cried.
Yes, I know, everyone has already told me, it means I’m getting old. Fine. I’d still like to highlight some important elements about the recovery process, but I’m going to save that for another post.
So now to the point of this post – communicating with your coach and a thank you.
The first week back I was able to squat pain free, much to my surprise. I went to Ali’s class and figured I could do double-unders if I could squat. As I was doing them in warm-up they felt fine – until I got to 20 – 30 – and then 40 didn’t feel so good, at all. I could have made it through the workout but it would have been with a setback. So I looked at Ali and admitted that I probably shouldn’t do them, but asked her if she thought that maybe somewhere in the universe something might be telling her that I should probably do them. Without hesitation she said – “You shouldn’t do them, don’t do them, do this” and then proceeded to show me an equally awful – yet pain free – substitution.
Fast forward three weeks to the day and last night I went to the 5pm class. The workout had heavy deadlifts in it, which I particularly like, but given the status of my improving-but-in-no-way-100%-hamstring – deadlifting was not an option. I put 1/3rd of my max on the bar and it felt ok. I needed to move slow to make it feel alright and moving quickly with that weight was not an option. Those were my two big indicators:
1. Slow but pain free
2. Can’t move fast
In other words, no more weight was needed in order to get healing AND productivity out of the workout.
But my brain (ego) wondered about what a little heavier might be like. Could I do it?!
That’s when I looked at Shane and said, “I probably shouldn’t go heavier, but I want to, so can you make sure I don’t do that?”
Of course, Shane was already on it and ready to tell me not to go heavier but the point is that sometimes, as athletes, we just need to share with our coach what is going on in our head. We need to let them know that our ego is screaming at us but our brain is trying to win the battle, and we just need a little back up to make the right choice.
It’s been a good recovery process. Enlightening. Even fun. And with really good coaching and guidance during workouts. Thanks Ali and Shane.
Such a great post. Thanks for the reminder!
I’d like to add that the injury occurred on a pretty impressive brother-to-sister 5-3 putout that got the runner by a hair. And got us out of a tough inning. Not worth the injury, but it was pretty. And it was the first time we’ve played on the same team since little league in 1995 in Saudi Arabia.
YES. So much YES. Nicole, you and Ali both walked me back from the brink of a bad back injury just two weeks before the 2015 Open, with thoughtful scaling and encouragement to “just come in” each day, rather than sit on the couch. I Still remember Ali having me stay at thirty five pounds for deadlift weight in a WOD. “Trust me”, she said. Trust her I did, and two weeks after my injury (where I could not bend over without my lower back spasming) I PR’ed my clean and jerk in Open 15.1b. “Pain free RoM” is something I’ve heard you say many times Nicole and I use it as a gauge a lot.
Great reminder and echoed a recent experience: tweaked my achilles earlier this summer running with Eliot. Thanks to all the coaches for very quickly offering up alternatives which didn’t allow either my own HTFU brain to do something stupid, or my couch potato inclinations sneak in and stay home.