Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Burpees
25 Double-unders

Schedule Updates and a BIKE WOD!
Three important announcements:
1. Beginning this Monday, all lunch hour workouts (11:30 and 12:30pm classes) move to 12:00pm. This means there will be two classes at the 12pm hour.
2. Tuesday Open Shop moves to 1-3pm
3. Saturday’s workout involves a bike if you choose! Ride your bike to the shop and we’ll give you the lowdown. If you don’t have a bike or it’s not feasible for you to bring it to this workout, no worries. Come as you are and we have a non-bike option as well!
I vote to start incorporating Lego Building into the Roots WODs (Speed, Coordination, Agility, Accuracy) – a personal fav from the past 🙂
That is so cool… down the the replacement head in the supply-box.
Those LEGO guys make it all look so easy…