Skill Work

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Men use 95 lb., Women use 65 lb.

September 2016
Covey tries hspu from dumbbells in last weeks Cool Cruel Summer workout, Nick.

“Consistency in performing skills is the key to developing greater static and dynamic kinesthesia (or movement). As humans we like to focus on our best (and videotape it) and push the worst out of your mind. Instead, we should focus on being consistent and we will progress much faster.
The focus on consistency means that we need to be intentional about all our attempts at skill work. If we are tired and losing consistency in holds (referring to handstand holds) we should take a break. We should not keep trying to do our handstands in an attempt to get that one good long hold. This is not what we want. We want quality work all of the time.” ~ Overcoming Gravity, Steven Low

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