Meet us at the southwest corner of North Boulder Park at 9:30am today for a deceiving workout! And don’t forget to take the Annual Shop Survey HERE.
2 rounds with 4min rest between:
Tabata sled drags (60/35)

Tabata Sleds
Don’t forget that the new shop schedule kicks off TOMORROW (Monday). Check it out here!
If you haven’t taken the Annual Shop Survey, please take a few minutes and give us your feedback. We greatly appreciate your input. Thank You!.
Umm, showed up at park and no one was there. 🙁 Did I misunderstand something?
No, we waited until 9:35 then moved it under the covered picnic table area. Sorry you missed us!
Thanks, that makes sense. I was running a little late, and looked around for a group of folks, but probably there wasn’t a lot people ’cause of the snow. No worries… I’m due for an extra off day.