21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds for time of:
35 lb. (25lb) Dumbbell burpee, hang squat clean, thruster
row 250m between every round
Athletes do not have to clap above head on burpee but must jump and have both feet leave the ground. Athletes can move from bottom of squat in hang squat clean straight into thruster.

Sweet or Savory?
If you’re going to eat bad food, which direction do you lean – sweet or savory? And what does that meal usually look like? Post to comments.
Since giving up sugar for a year last October, my cheats now have to be savory. Top favorite right now is the Kitchen Next Door’s hanger steak with garlic fries. The fries are the best.
I second this choice. That salsa verde is great, and I’ve replicated it at home for use on just about 99% of the meat I make.
For me, the most notorious craving was any combo of dark chocolate, salt and caramel. Next fave was sweet potato fries. Now, my (paleo) go to is nuts. Sugar is pretty much out of my system now. Couldn’t finish half of the cupcake-sized chocolate lava cake, even with hubby helping. 🙂