On an 8-minute running clock, perform 1 minute each of:
20-inch box jumps
Inverted burpees
Wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball
Post reps completed for each exercise, and total reps completed to comments.
We’ll test the following 1 rep maxes on each day:
Monday – back squat and deadlift, 1-1-1
Tuesday – press, 1-1-1
What is the CrossFit Total, you ask?
It’s the sum of your (unbelted, so don’t ask) one rep max deadlift, back squat, and shoulder press. The CrossFit Total protocol consists of taking 3 attempts to find your heaviest load for each movement. The combined total of these movements can then be used to see where you stack up in your journey from beginner to advanced athlete status. It’s also a great way to check-in and get a marker for the year going forward.
You can read more about The CrossFit Total (and we ask that you DO!), its protocol, and rules (yes, there are rules) HERE. We do understand that the article does state that the CrossFit Total must be performed in one session; however, given the structure of group class and time limitations to properly warm-up and perform the movements, we will spread it over two sessions.
GET PUMPED! And don’t miss out on this great benchmark. Questions? Post to comments.
[…] forget! The CrossFit Total starts tomorrow. Check out the details in yesterday’s post and come prepared to rock […]