Today we are doing the total.  This is one of the three pre-Paleo Team Challenge workouts.  More importantly, it’s THE TOTAL.  Make sure you understand why we do the total, what your numbers indicate, and the rules for each lift.  Yes, there are rules.   We’ll review and discuss today before the workout.

At some point, everybody should read Mark Rippetoe’s “The CrossFit Total,” especially if you just saw the WOD and said, “Oh boo, it’s one of those heavy lifting days.”

Endurance WOD at Spruce Pool:
5 Min on, 2:30 Min off, 6 Min on, 3 Min off, 7 Min on. Done.

CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

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