The In-House Weightlifting Meet


Four rounds for time of:
100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
20 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Handstand push-ups

Ryan and the coaches at Roots will be judging your lifts, but not from the side!

Sign-Up for the Roots In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet MONDAY

We will host an in-house Olympic Weightlifting competition on Saturday, FEBRUARY 5th at 12:00pm. Come join the coaches at Roots for a USAW-style competition complete with judged lifts. Sign-up is required for this event as we will run it in meet format complete with ordered lifts and weight classes (although we’ll probably merge weight classes).  Sign-up is free but REQUIRED.

Who can compete? Anyone at Roots!

How to prepare? Ryan will take the next two months of Oly to prepare athletes for competition and peak performance that weekend.

What are the Olympic Weightlifting Rules?
Here’s a link to more information than you probably wanted to know!  Bottom line is that the judges will tell you if it was a good lift or not and we will make certain everyone is aware of the standards over the next few months.


8 Responses
  1. Kaitlin

    Is Ryan going over the lifts in Strength class as well? Or will Strength class remain reserved for air guitar, head banging, and body building poses?

  2. Dizon

    Am I blind/losing it? Where do we sign-up? … are the Oly bodysuits mandatory? Scott G mentioned that he is looking for a fishnet version

  3. Dizon, the sign-up will be through MBO and we’ll post something up when it’s ready to go.

    I really don’t want to see Scott in a fishnet singlet. Mustache or no.