Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
115-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 10 reps
10 burpees, jumping over the barbell

The Last Cool Cruel Summer of 2015!
The last Cool Cruel Summer Series of 2015 is NEXT THURSDAY, September 17th from 4-6:30pm.
Remember, classes during Thursday the morning and afternoon will run as usual and be doing the posted workout for the day. The Cool Cruel Summer work for the evening is listed below and inspired by Squatember!
If you plan to participate in the evening workout, please remember to sign-up on MBO. You will sign-up for your heat when you arrive. Heats will run 4-6:30pm.
If you’re newer to Roots or want a refresher on all things Cool Cruel Summer – check out this post!
The FATE Brewing truck is coming! No need to sign-up for dinner in advance. Barbecue will be on hand ready to serve.
Please bring a drink to share. Beer, wine, liquor…
The Workout
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
run 200m
21 kb swings
12 pullups
run 400m
75 wallball
400m run
12 pullups
21 kb swings
200m run
15 squats
10 pushups
5 pullups
[…] Don’t forget! – tomorrow is the LAST Cool Cruel Summer!Details HERE. […]
[…] See you there! All the details here. […]