Are you signed up for The Open? Register here by Friday!
5 rounds for time of:
115-lb. hang power clean and jerks, 12 reps
115-lb. thrusters, 9 reps
115-lb. power snatches, 6 reps

The Open Lowdown – 15.1
It’s finally here! Better than Christmas Eve, The CrossFit Open begins TONIGHT and as of right now there are 140 Roots athletes signed-up! We are excited to get the Friday Night Lights Open underway at Roots.
Here is what you need to know for Week 1.
The WOD, 15.1, will be announced live on Thursday at 6pm via a broadcast on the CrossFit Games site. We’ll be watching on the television at the shop and all are welcome. Thursday night, by 9pm, we will have the heat times for Friday nights events listed in MBO. If you attend a morning or noon class you are not guaranteed a certified judge, which is a requirement to validate scores, but we will do our best to accommodate. You’ll also miss out on all the fun and adrenaline later that day.
For the Friday Night Lights, you will sign-up for a heat just as you do for classes. It’s important to note that the time (heat) you sign-up for is the time your WOD will begin, so you’ll want to get there earlier to get with the Warmup Coach and get warm.
Fate Brewing Co. will be on-site with its smoker to provide food for purchase. Life of Riley Foods will be providing gifts for the raffles and have a booth setup for sampling and information. We encourage everyone to stick around for food, friends, and fun and feel free to BYOB for the happy hour after the last event.
Once you have completed the WOD you will be handed a slip of paper with your score and your judges name on it. You will need to submit that information to the CrossFit Games site for validation and can do so using the shop computer before you even leave! Score submissions are due by Monday at 5pm and they take no exceptions. We will do an initial round of validation on Sunday so you may not see your score until then. We will do a final score validation on Monday.
This is as much a social as it is a competition so please bring your friends and family too!
Athletes from other CrossFits are welcome to participate if they are registered for The Open, but please reserve your spot by contacting [email protected] in advance.
See you all Friday!
Questions? Post to comments.