KB snatch
GHD sit-up

The Total Days of Winter
Tomorrow kicks off the Total Days of Winter. Here’s what to expect.
Every class tomorrow will be 1.5 hours long. While the coaches will keep everyone moving, remember that you have 1.5 hours to complete this workout.
The first 10 minutes will include a general warm-up to get you warm and stretched out.
Partner Up
Based on your worksheets, you and the coaches will divide everyone onto the four racks. This will be the group you work with for backsquats and presses. You and your rack partners are a team. Everyone is responsible for helping to make your rack operation safe AND efficient. Help change plates, know the next weight your need on the bar, and call for a spotter when it’s needed.
Backsquat (:30 minutes)
The CrossFit Total begins with the backsquat. Following your sheet and working with your rack team you will warm-up. Set your order so that weight is added to the bar for each person throughout a round.
Presses (:20 minutes)
The second lift is the press. You will breakdown your bar with your rack group and begin warming up the presses. Take the time between your warm-up sets to rollout your shoulders.
Deadlift (:25 minutes)
The final lift is the deadlift. Breakdown your bar after presses, move the squat rack to the side of the room, and begin your warm-up.
Once you have completed The CrossFit Total, MAKE CERTAIN that your lifts are logged on the whiteboard AS WELL AS on the print out at the shop.
Get a good night sleep!