3 rounds for time:
400m run
10 burpees
20 pushpus
30 PVC pipe overhead squats
If it’s snowing, yes, we’re still running outside. Plan and dress accordingly. Welcome to a constantly varied winter.

TYSH Thursday.
Today is TYSH Thursday! Are you excited!? We are. What is TYSH Thursday, you ask?
It’s take-your-shit-home Thursday!
All Lost & Found items will be taken to GoodWill on Friday afternoon. Be sure to grab any items that you have left at the shop in the past few months.
That table looks like it was folded by a retail girl! @steffyjosays
What kind of lost and found table would it be if not organized by sleeve length?!
Apparently yesterday’s Support Your Team comments got read but have already been forgotten: this morning, as we ran outside in the slush and snow, Stephanie specifically requested that she be exempt from the chalked up hand butt slap (or CUHBS). Where’s the team spirit these days?
(Oh and yes, I complied with her request.)
Although it was nice to see Dre getting into the act and slapping the butt of someone she didn’t even know…now that’s real teambuilding!
Stef C. got me good yesterday. Had we have snapped a photo it probably could have gone in the dictionary next to “CUHBS” (or so I’m told, it was so perfectly placed I couldn’t even see it!/was afraid to look).
I am now just hoping for some of the same action!
I would like to propose a rebranding to CHUBS (chalked hand-upon-butt slap). We can vote at the 530am class tomorrow. Imagine all the merchandise opportunities. If there isn’t a “Have you had your CHUBS today?” t-shirt in the Roots store by Christmas, I will be sad.
I like it. I was thinking that CHaBS worked too (Chalked-up Hand-on Butt Slap) but Chalked Hand Upon Butt Slap is much better.
Thanks, Jake, for not including the fact that you were smoking me in today’s workout — also team spirit!
Jake, I would like to be the recipient of as many CUHBS’s as possible. Before, during and after every WOD. Thanks in advance.