We Need YOU, Judges

Calling all Judges! The CrossFit Open is just one month away and we need your help! Every athlete that participates in the FNL series will need a judge to count their reps and hold them accountable to the movement standards, and that is where you and the Online Judges Course come in!
The online Judges Course is required for all affiliate managers who will validate Open workouts. From the Games site, “the course provides an overview of the knowledge and skills used during competition, including movement standards, common faults and repetition counting. The course concludes with a final exam.” It is recommended, yet not required, for individuals who will judge athletes in the Open, to take the course. At Roots, we have always made it part of our Open process that any individual who wishes to judge athletes in The Open workouts at Roots must first take and pass the Online Judges Course. It is $10 and takes time so we thank you in advance, during, and after The Open, because we seriously couldn’t do it without you.
Whether you’re participating as an athlete in the Open or not, you can still be a judge. The Online Judges Course serves as excellent continuing education on movement and workout standards and provides a deeper understanding on what is and is not a “rep”. Athletes who pass the course walk away with a better understanding of some of the things we as coaches are looking for in their own movements.
You’ll start seeing Judges certificates collecting on the front desk so please email us yours as soon as you get it! Once we receive your certificate we’ll follow-up to organize the evenings so you know exactly what to expect. TAKE THE COURSE NOW!

Want to learn more about the judging experience? See below!

If I’m going to do the WOD in a heat can I still judge?

Absolutely! We’ll be sending out a Schedule Doc for all to fill-out their hours of availability each week and we’ll make sure that you get enough time before your heat to warm-up and after your heat to cool down.

If I’m not signed-up for the Open can I judge?

Yep! In fact, that’s how some nervous athletes in the past got their first taste of the Open. The next year, they were athletes and judges.

Can I ask to judge or not judge a specific athlete?

Yes. Some veteran judges are requested by athletes too. As long as their isn’t a conflict of interest (ie. judging your partner) we can make it happen. If you’re ever nervous about judging an athlete just let us know and we’ll cover it!

What if there is something I’m unsure about in that week’s workout?

No problem. We’ll have a judges meeting at the beginning of the evening and if you miss it you can always check-in with any Coach on the floor about your question(s).

[button link=”https://oc.crossfit.com/course?id=13″ type=”big” color=”orange”] Take the Judges Course[/button]

Have you judged in The Open previously? What’s it like? What questions/comments do you have about judging The Open? Post to comments!