Three rounds for time of:
135 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders

Website Walk Through for the Athlete at Roots
Here’s a run down on the new website, how we post, how to find the workout, and other tips to make your athlete experience better!
Website Layout
Our website is in a blog layout. The top navigation bar (Start CrossFit, About CrossFit, Programs…) has general overview information on Roots, CrossFit, and the programs at the shop. For current athletes, the About Us tab will soon have useful resources such as an FAQ and other CrossFit links.
Class Sign-up
The class sign-up link is still located in the upper righthand corner of the blog. Clicking this link will take you to MBO where you can log-in.
Blog Post Layout
Our website is a blog layout. That means we post new content each day to the top of the website. Every blog post is always in the format of workout (always in bold text), picture, blog post. We aim to put the post up at 8:00pm every night. This happens, on average, 80% of the time. The workout that is posted at 8:00pm is the workout for the following day. This helps athletes know what apparel or equipment they might need.
I like it! There is something going on with titles crunching together when there is more than one line (I am sure you have already noticed, but jic). Brenda
Who is that in the shorts with the red stripe? They should get a shout out for perfect form.
Love this workout. I think it’s my favorite. Short, with enough OHS squats to be challenging, but not 21 or something horrible to attempt unbroken. Too bad it’s not a named workout… I’m totally doing this one on my birthday!